Category: Volunteer Voices

Pam Walz

“During a delivery I advised the client that I had missed her the week before. She began telling me her story of why she wasn’t home. She had been in the hospital due to a suicide attempt. I listened to her and spent a few minutes with her. She needed someone to talk to. I was her person. So along with a hot meal, I gave her a sense of purpose also and as always, I left her with a smile on my face wishing her a very happy day.”

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Jen Sackett

What Inspired You to Volunteer with Meals on Wheels?

It was not so much what inspired me, but who inspired me. My husband Gary started delivering meals once a week after he retired at the encouragement of a good friend of ours.

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Dana Dinderman

Dana Dinderman has volunteered with Horizons since 2020, finding fulfillment along her route as she delivers meals on a weekly basis.

“They are not just clients I deliver to, but friends, adopted grandparents and parents, and people that have become so important to me. My heart is full after delivering meals each week.”

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