Dana Dinderman

1. What Inspired You to Volunteer with Meals on Wheels?

I started volunteering during the pandemic. They weren’t delivering hot meals at the time, so we were bagging frozen meals to be delivered once a week. I wanted to make sure those that needed the meals received them, but I think I benefited more. It was a way to get out and socialize during the pandemic. I had so much fun working with everyone (masks and all!) We got so fast and efficient we would be bummed when we bagged all the meals so fast and had to leave. Truly a great group of people!

2. Share a Memorable Experience While Delivering Meals.

Really, there’s too many to share! The sigh of relief when you walk through the door, the smiles, the genuine gratitude…My heart is full after delivering meals each week.

3. What Keeps You Motivated to Continue Volunteering?

I love, love, love the people I deliver to! I have the best route, best people!

They are not just people or clients I deliver to, but friends, adopted grandparents (more realistically, adopted parents 😉), people that have become so very important to me!

My favorite part of delivering Meals on Wheels is chatting with all of them. Checking in on their health or any other needs they may have and helping them find a resolution, if we can. Many are pretty isolated (no spouse or children, or maybe they live miles or states away). My number one goal is that everyone is happy, healthy and safe in their homes so we’ll chat about things each week.

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