To be eligible for the program, you must be required by the Social Security Administration to have a representative payee. If you meet this requirement, please complete the attached intake form, provide copies of the documents required, and return at your earliest convenience. Once all information is received, a Horizons representative will contact you to begin the process.
Horizons will schedule an appointment with the SSA to apply as your representative payee once we have received the following items:
- Completed intake form
- Copy of identification and Social Security card
- Guardianship letters of appointment, if applicable
- Rental lease and/or housing authority paperwork
- Utility bills (gas, electric, water)
- Pharmacy bills
- Mobile phone provider
- Cable/Internet provider
- Renter’s insurance
If you cannot complete this form online for any reason, please contact Horizons at 319-398-3943.
Once Horizons has been approved as your representative payee, please update your billing address for the above items to:
c/o Horizons, A Family Service Alliance
P.O. Box 2904
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406